
In the library you can find various examples of texts covering physical, intellectual and spiritual training made available for the benefit of the martial arts student. The library will continue to grow. Only entries that are considered seminal and inspirational that have been considered important for the lessons of the International Budo Institute will be included.



Bubishido Training Manuals

Basics-Primer-150-BThe Basics Primer is a free 41 page manual created for the beginner Budo student and covers various items including: History of The International Budo Institute, Meaning of Bubishido, Founding Principles, Logo, Crest, Motto and Guiding Principles, Wearing A Gi and Tying Your Belt, Etiquette and Bowing, Warm-Ups, Basics Stances, Basic Guards, Escape Directions, Blocking Forms, Hourglass Walking Form, Cat Stepping, Basic Punch, Basic Kick, Advanced Basic Techniques, Kata, Yakusoku Kumite, Shiai, Example of Basics Combinations, Glossary, Counting, and Ranking System. Download


Basics-Cover-150-BThe Basics Manual is a 218 page free resource created for the committed karatedo or Budo practitioner. It covers a range of topics including: History of Bubishido, Meaning of Bubishido, Founding Principles, Logo & Crest, Fitness, Strategies For Success, Etiquette & Bowing, Warm-ups, Basic Stances, Basic Guards, Escape Forms, Blocking Form, Footwork, Natural Weapons, Natural Targets, Punchin Techniques, Kicking Techniques, GLossary, Ranking System and Counting in Japanese. Download


Technical Manuals

scientific-karatedo-hisatakaScientific Karatedo: This book contains a complete treatment of the technical and philosophical aspects of Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo, which is characterized by an extremely high level of systematic and scientific development. Karate, a manifestation of a distinctly oriental intellectual approach, has a long history as a method with two purposes. First, it trains the individual to defend himself and to protect the interest of justice. Second, it disciplines the mind with the ultimate aim of spiritual enlightenment. More…


Essential ShorinjiryuEssential Shorinjiryu Karatedo: If you are studying any of the schools of Karatedo that have originated from Shinan Masayoshi Hisataka (Kaiso) then you should have this book in your library. The book is written by Shihan Masayuki Hisataka, 9th Dan, the son of Shinan Masayoshi Hisataka the founder of Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo. Shihan Des Paroz, 6th Dan, of The International Budo Institute was a co-author of the book along with Shihan Hisataka. Though the introduction of the early historical roots of Karatedo is seen by many as unsubstantiated, the technical material is second to none. More…


lekaratekoshikiLe Karate Koshiki: Le Karate Koshiki is a french language training manual for Koshiki Karatedo. Koshiki Karatedo is the combat system originally developed by So Shihan Masayuki Hisataka. The system utilizes a protective gear system known as Anzen Bogu. Koshiki Karatedo contains fighting drills and exercise to help the karatedo player improve their actual combat effectiveness. More…


Spiritual Guidance

marathon-monksThis book and the practice of the Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei lay the foundation for the spiritual practice of the Bubishido Monks. Similar to their 1,000 day walk the Bubishido Monks work their way towards 1,000 days of kata. The determination and perseverance that is shown by the Marathon Monks lends inspiration to all martial artists and shows that we can always strive for something greater beyond our present limitations. More…


art-of-contemplationThe Art of Contemplation by Alan Watts is a straight forward discussion of one’s place in the universe. Watts is known for his ability to interpret Eastern philosophical thought and make it digestible for the average western reader. This short manuscript written in his own hand is typically so. While reading the hand written prose one gets the feeling that an intimate discussion with Watts is being had. In this respect the manuscript is an enjoyable read that stays with the reader for a long time afterwards. If you haven’t read Watts before, this manuscript is a nice introduction to the man, his thoughts and his way. More…


philokaliaThe Philokalia is a foundational text of the Eastern Christian Church. It shows the determination of the early Christian Monks and their devotion to their practice. In this way, the text and the many quotes that are found provide inspiration to the modern martial artist in so far as it illustrates the importance of remaining true to your calling and striving for a purer more insightful practice. More…




General Knowledge Books

The BubishiBible of Karate: Bubishi translated by Patrick McCarthy is an indispensable volume for the avid Budo-ka and is the orignal text from where The International Budo Institute named its in house style: Bubishido. A novice to Karate-do might do well to put off getting this volume until a more stable grounding in the art in attained. It contains no detailed explanation of technique but the section on the history and philosophy alone would make buying this book more than worth it’s price. More…


Karatedo My Way of LifeKaratedo My Way Of Life: Ginchin Funakoshi has been credited with modernizing karate. He is also the first to open a dojo (karate school) in Tokyo. Whether he is actually the father of modern Karate or not is not relevant because he is truly a recognized Grand-Master. This is his story of both his life, karate, and the philosophies the martial artist follows. Funakoshi writes about his masters and the differences between karate then and now. He writes about the change of his culture during the late nineteenth century and the resistance with the Samarai families. More…


Moving ZenMoving Zen: One Man’s Journey to the Heart of Karate is a multifaceted work with ever-surprising depths. It is the story of a young man arriving in Japan to come to grips with an alien culture; his first two, hard years studying the technique of, and spirit behind, Karate; and, finally, the story of how he learned the art of gentleness through strength. C. W. Nicol, born in Wales, a student of Judo since fourteen, the youngest pro wrestler in England, and a member of three arctic expeditions, arrives in Japan in 1962 to study Karate. More…


The Karate DojoThe Karate Dojo: Peter Urban was a pioneer in American karate and helped not only spread the art of goju ryu, but the ripple effect helped the promotion of other martial arts as well in the 60s and 70s. While a little eccentric, Urban was true to the bushido roots, while adapting karate for an American population. This book covers karate philosophy in its mid-twentieth century form and promotes the positive aspects of discipline and etiquette. More…


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